Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday nights

Growing up in a pastor's home, there were very few moments where we had uninterupted family time. We tried our very hardest to not schedule anything on the weekends, but inevitably there would be a special service/meeting/event or my parents would be meeting with people in the church (especially in the beginning years of the church). Even when we didn't have things going on with church, some one from the church would call with a problem that would take up at least one parents time (this was the time when everyone in the church had our house number).

I am proud of my parents though for making sure that the weekends (over the past few years) are set aside for the family. Friday Nights and Sunday afternoon's are scheduled family time and rarely will they schedule anything else during those times. Even though Jessica and I don't live there any more, we still try to make it to my parents house on a Sunday night to hang out with them. I cherish these moments where we don't talk about work (or try not to) but just enjoy being in each other's presence.

Tonight all of us were at my parents house to watch a movie (Taken is an amazing movie by the way). I loved it. I haven't been over there in a while on a Sunday night because I have been busy, but am going to try to do it more often....because I am understanding more and more the importance of making time for my family even in the rush of life's busyness because they are who matter most to me.

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